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Tax on taxi services booking intermediaries

An annual tax is due on licences to operate as intermediaries in the booking of taxi services.

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Who should pay the tax?

This tax is payable by the holder of a taxi service booking intermediary licence.

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How much is the tax?

The tax amounts to €20.48 per vehicle listed on the taxi service booking intermediary licence (2023 tax year).

The tax is due and indexed each year. Its amount must be paid in full even if the licence was granted in the course of the year.

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How is the tax calculated?

To calculate the tax, Brussels Fiscality relies on data supplied by Brussels Mobility.

If these data are not correct, you need to contact Brussels Mobility to have them modified.

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When can I submit an appeal?

If you do not agree with the amount of the tax, you may submit a reasoned appeal to the Head of the “Enrôlement/Inkohiering” department (indicating “APPEAL” in the subject line) within 186 days from the 7th day after the tax bill was sent. You can do this by post, by email or online via MyTax.

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